It’s been a busy year for website builds and landing page development at Gavin. We’ve tackled challenges for clients spanning from government to the consumer packaged goods (CPG) and financial industries. Join us as we look back on 2017 to discuss some of our most memorable website builds of the year.
KT Tape
KT Tape came to our team with the desire to drive brand recognition and online sales. Even though the national brand had gained exposure with sponsorship of numerous American Olympians, we knew that the average consumer still needed education on the product, its benefits and how to properly use the kinesiology tape.
We wanted to keep the brand’s aesthetic, but ease the user’s experience. We began with the navigation, pulling the core aspects of the website: the e-commerce store, instructions and the growing roster of athlete endorsements. With consumer education top of mind, we highlighted instructional and informative content with various sections of the site, including an easy-to-use instructional video menu.
Even an established brand will evolve over time to offer greater product selections in the future. So, we created the website on Magento, a content management system (CMS) developed with e-commerce in mind, allowing the KT Tape team to be able to add and edit product offerings easily.
My Retirement PA
Our journey to educate and motivate the public did not end at the CPG industry. The House Appropriations Committee – Democrat (HACD) of Pennsylvania approached us with a similar challenge to spread the word about its goal to implement a retirement plan that anyone in the Commonwealth could join.
To motivate users to support the plan, we knew that the website had to be engaging, simple and straight-forward. We also understood that the HACD had to educate and motivate three very different audiences: employees, employers and fellow legislators. To address each audience, we segmented the website based on a selection the user would make to self-identify. Based on the user’s selection, the messaging would be tailored to his/her specific concerns.
An interactive, real-time savings calculator, animated videos and dynamic background keep users engaged. Easy-to-understand copy allows anyone to process and evaluate the proposed plan, while the newsfeed keeps users up to date on budgetary developments and similar programs in other states.
YMCA of York County
We wanted to bring the York County branches of a nearly 200-year-old institution into the 21st century. The original website for the YMCA of York and York County relied on a CMS that was bulky, hard-to-navigate and outdated. With dynamically changing program offerings, several local branches and a variety of services, the YMCA team needed a CMS that made managing website changes easy. We built the new site on WordPress, which could offer the ease of use needed for the team.
The backbone of the site addresses the concern of the user: finding a program quickly and easily. Users can now browse programs based on age, location and/or interest. By allowing the user to get to his/her destination faster, we reduce bounce rates and increase conversions and leads, while providing a pleasant experience for both the user and the website administrators.
We’re pumped for 2018
We’re extremely proud of what we were able to accomplish as a team in 2017, but we are just as excited to get to work in 2018. We love new challenges and we cannot wait to see what amazing results we achieve in the new year!