Trade Shows: Set Up For Success

Oct 28, 2014 | B2B

With trade show season upon us, our director of accounts, Tracey Johnston, is offering up her pet peeves and must-haves for show success.

Priority No. 1? It all starts with a clear marketing message. In a professional booth, everything should have a cohesive feel — marketing materials, attire, display boards, etc. — to showcase your brand’s integrity.

One way to add to that cohesive feel is with a sweet display piece, as is demonstrated in this awesome banner for our client, Trespa North America. (Be on the lookout for them at the Boston Society of Architects’ ArchitectBoston Expo Oct. 28-30!)

Once you have the visual elements secured, it’s all about the interaction.

In advance

  • Prior to the show, let people know you will be attending via e-blast or postcards.  You can include your booth number along with a special offer to be used during the show.
  • Share event details through social media, and consider posting live from the show to gain additional interest. If the show has a hashtag, use it! Along with pulling people in, this is a great way to track consumer response and engagement.

At the show

  • At your booth, it is important to be open to conversations. Friendly sales people standing ready to engage come across much more approachable than those sitting or playing on their phone. Be prepared: If participating in a show is an afterthought, it’s better not to do it at all.

After you leave

  • All packed up and ready to relax after the long day? Not so fast — you’ve got a few steps left, the first of which is to follow up. We can’t say it enough: Follow up is key to build trust among people who visited your booth and offered contact information expecting to get something in return. The quickest way to build that relationship and gain potential clients is to follow through with that commitment to provide additional information.
  • Lastly, remember to debrief, discuss consistencies and recognize the areas that may need a bit of a fix. Taking time to evaluate this information acts as an informal survey to understand the way the customer thinks and will help you have an amazing, stand-out experience at the next round of trade shows!