Take a Step Back Before You Jump In

Aug 29, 2011 | Digital

We’re asked all the time where to start with social media. And since we’re realists, we believe that you need to take a step back to take a good look at yourself before you take your first step forward into social media. Recently, we put together a Top 10 list of tips for social media and business that was published in the York Daily Record. Here are a few tips from that list.

Visit YDR for the complete article and interview with Mandy Arnold, president of Gavin, with the entire Top 10 list of tips.

  • Know your brand. Have a clear understanding of your brand persona and how you want your customers to experience it. Select social networks that are a fit for your business type, target audience and overall desired experience. Have a plan on how to communicate and create an experience that supports your goals before you make the social media leap.
  • Avoid social fatigue. Select one social network and make it a success before you take on another. Trying to be a master of all social networks with limited staff and resources may prove to be overwhelming and less rewarding. Be sure to integrate your social efforts into your traditional marketing efforts. For example, incorporate Facebook into your website and in your print advertising. Or consider driving traffic to your Facebook page to download the latest coupon rather than putting in the ad.
  • Understand the “how” behind your search. In other words, how do people look for your business using search engines? Conquering the language of search as it relates to social is important. Know what words drive people to your business and find ways to integrate them into your social media. After all, your social life is searchable.
  • Tell your story in real time and keep it interesting. People love behind the scenes access and insider details that are going on now, including photos and videos. You may be tripping over interesting content in your weekly routine that could provide desirable tidbits for loyal audiences. Leverage Facebook Notes and Events pages to post press releases, upcoming events, special announcements and business updates. These pages are highly searchable and can help you elevate your search rankings.
  • Listen to the voice of the customer. Monitor your audiences’ behavior and evolve your approach to create the environment they want, without compromising your brand.