How to Make Your Facebook Ads Pay Off

Apr 9, 2019 | B2B, Digital

Speech bubble on blue background, Thumbs Up

With 1.52 billion daily active users, Facebook still remains on top for social media platforms.

The social media giant continues to reign supreme with 68% of Americans using the platform. With the ability to reach so many users, Facebook is a coveted place filled with competitive advertisers. Not only can Facebook reach a large number of users but it also has numerous options for targeting to help deliver ads to the specific individuals wanted. While Facebook makes it relatively easy to advertise on their platform, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you dive into it and continue to develop your own Facebook marketing strategy.

Utilize Facebook Business Manager to Organize Your Social Advertisements

Facebook Business Manager is a must for any business owner that intends to advertise on Facebook. While Facebook allows you to boost posts from your own page along with other types of monetized ads, Facebook Business Manager is the solution to help you organize your Facebook ads. It creates a separate space to run ads without having to worry about any interference with your personal Facebook profile. It creates an atmosphere where you can add other admins and employees to help manage your page.

Watch the Language you use in Your Facebook Ad Text

Crafting text that complies with Facebook’s standards is not difficult but there are some small caveats that could affect your ads negatively. Some words and hashtags can trigger Facebook’s systems to flag your content. When your Facebook ad gets flagged, it can receive a “Poor Ads Experience” label. When it is flagged this way your ad may not run properly. Words and phrases that deal with issues of national importance can be flagged if your page isn’t authorized to run these types of ads. If you run an ad containing a contest of some sort language enticing your audience to share a post or tag a friend, it can be flagged. While sometimes ads are flagged wrongly and be fixed by reaching out to a Facebook representative, sometimes there is nothing Facebook can do to solve the issue. Make sure your Facebook marketing strategy involves a knowledge of Facebook’s ad policies as this will save you numerous headaches and time spent trying to get your ads approved after that discouraging disapproval.

Remember the 20% Rule on Facebook Ad Image Text

Visuals are everything in the social advertisements world. Facebook runs a tight ship on the types of images they allow to run in an ad. This specifically applies to the amount of text used in an image. Facebook developed a 20% rule that allows ads to deliver to the best when there is less then 20% text in the ad creative. If your ad features slightly more than 20% text, it will may run but will not fully deliver to its full potential. Heavy text can prevent your ad from running at all. There are plenty of other ways to express what you want to say via text through headlines and descriptions that will accomplish your goals but also reach as many users as your budget permits. Don’t miss out on reaching more users by running an ad that contains tons of text, get creative with your visuals and make your ad stand out.

Think about adding Instagram to your Facebook marketing strategy

Instagram continues to gain momentum in any marketer’s social media strategy.

The great thing about Instagram is that it can sync with your Facebook ads and deliver them on the platform without hardly any extra work. When you use Facebook to create an ad,there is an option to push your ad to Instagram. As long as your image size is Insta-friendly, you’re good to go! It’s a no-brainer, pushing your ad to Instagram gets you more impressions and the ability to garner more engagements and possible conversions.

Install a pixel to enhance Facebook Ads tracking 

Adding a Facebook Pixel to your website takes your Facebook ads to the next level. The Facebook Pixel allows you to track conversions from your ads after adding said pixel to your website.  This pixel can record various actions taken on your site as a result of the ads shown including the number of purchases of your products. The pixel can go even further to track the value of these purchases to calculate return on ad spend.

Along with improved tracking, the pixel allows you to remarket to certain audiences that have taken actions on your site. Through this you can serve a Facebook ad to someone who may have added something to their cart on your site but didn’t necessarily make a purchase. With enhanced tracking and the ability to remarket, the Facebook Pixel is something you should consider implementing into your Facebook marketing strategy.

Are you new to Facebook advertising and want some guidance? Need a little nudge to take your Facebook ads and dial them up to 11? We’re here to develop a unique strategy to make sure your Facebook ads produce successful results. Let’s get started today.