WellSpan Health

PacMAT Program

As the opioid crisis caught the attention of national funding sources, WellSpan Health and its Pennsylvania Coordinated Medication Assisted Treatment (PacMAT) program secured support to address an immediate community need in educating providers, patients and the broader community on important health facts. The campaign had to be immediate, high impact and easily disseminated. To achieve this, Gavin produced three educational videos and supporting materials for market distribution across various channels in an expedited manner. The messages were developed to be emotive and influential, leveraging high impact opioid facts from trusted sources — educating individuals and healthcare providers with essential details that were relatable and memorable— delivering a powerful message that would resonate with each audience. These audiences included:
  • Individuals struggling with addiction and their families
  • Pregnant women struggling with opioid addiction
  • Healthcare providers treating addiction

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